

  1. 根据DoDI 1322.25、志愿教育计划,第1段.c.(1)(b), TAMUC “will not use unf空气, deceptive, 和 abusive recruiting practices.”
  2. 根据国防部谅解备忘录第3段.j.(2), TAMUC is required to “Refrain from providing any commission, 奖金, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on securing enrollments or federal financial aid (including 学费援助 funds) to any persons or entities engaged in any student recruiting, 招生活动, or making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance.”
  3. 根据国防部谅解备忘录第3段.j.(3), TAMUC will “Refrain from high-pressure recruitment tactics such as making multiple unsolicited contacts (3 or more), 包括电话联系, 电子邮件, 或面对面, 和 engaging in same-day recruitment 和 registration for the purpose of securing Service member enrollments.”
  4. 根据国防部谅解备忘录第4段.d.(1), “If an eligible Service member decides to use 学费援助 (TA), [TAMUC] will enroll him or her only after the TA is approved by the individual's Service.


学费援助项目, service members should begin the application process by contacting their education advisors or ESOs or seeking approval from installation comm和ers.

Sponsorship documents 和 forms will be applied to the student account as conditional credit. Conditional credits do not signify that a payment from the sponsoring entity was received by the university. Conditional credits are subject to change based on payments received.

The sponsoring government/military entity dictates what will 和 will not be paid, 不管开了什么发票. They 有 the final authority on tuition 和 fee-related payments, which could change the conditional credits applied to the account.


For additional information, to sign up, or to check your TA status, please visit the 学费援助 页面.


For additional information, to sign up, or to check your TA status, please visit the 学费援助 页面.


For additional information, to sign up, or to check your TA status, please visit the 学费援助 页面.


For additional information, to sign up, or to check your TA status, please visit the 社区服务 页面.


For additional information, to sign up, or to check your TA status, please visit the 学费援助 页面.


Did you know student 退伍军人 may qualify for free meals?


兽医膳食 is a program that provides free daily meals to student 退伍军人 who 有 low income.

Getting through school is hard enough without worrying if you can afford to eat. 兽医膳食妈妈做的饭
partnered to ensure you receive discreet delivery of 10 fresh meals every two weeks, 送货上门.


  • Must 有 served at least 180 days of federal active duty
  • 提供服务证明(如DD-214)
  • 提供所有家庭收入和福利证明
  • 符合低收入资格

如果您有任何疑问或想申请,请致电:830.992.3375或浏览 兽医膳食.


皇冠体育365赌博&M University-Commerce presents a unique program on campus that honors our men 和 women who served their country during times of military action. This year's 33rd annual 退伍军人守夜 will be held November 9, 2023, at 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-Commerce. 总军士长万斯·克拉克(退役.)是今年开幕式的特邀演讲人. 敬请关注有关今年活动的更多信息.


  • 10 a.m., 接待, 雷伯恩学生中心
  • 10:30 a.m., 开幕式上, 皇家科学院会议室A、B & C
  • 4:30 p.m., 闭幕式, RSC步行街


A&M-Commerce presents a unique program on campus that honors our men 和 women who served their country during times of military action. 从1949年到1991年, the 空军 ROTC unit on campus conducted the time-honored 退伍军人守夜 ceremony. Unfortunately, the unit was lost due to retrenchment by Congress in 1991. 这所大学选择延续这一传统, 建立社区领袖委员会, 教师, 1992年的教职员工和学生. The committee is charged with continuing the 退伍军人守夜 legacy.

Veteran’s Appreciation takes place this year from November 8-10.

书店: 衣服全天打九折, supplies or gifts from the Rayburn Student Center Bookstore from November 8-10

  • Must show 军事 ID, DD214, VFW or American Legion card.

退伍军人免费午餐: 雷伯恩学生中心食堂,11月10日.

  • Must show 军事 ID, DD214, VFW or American Legion card.

欲了解更多信息,请联系达斯汀·皮尔森 (电子邮件保护) or 903.886.5123.

Each year, a vigil is created on the walking mall in front of the Rayburn Student Center on the A&M-Commerce campus, honoring those who 有 served our country.

2022 -在牺牲中锻造
2021 ——永远的誓言
2020 -对退伍军人的虚拟感谢
2018 -纪念所有退伍军人
2017 – A&M商务向地区退伍军人致敬
2016 – Honoring Operation Iraqi Freedom 和 Operation Enduring Freedom
2014 -纪念本地退伍军人(过去及未来)
2013 -表彰残疾退伍军人
2012年——纪念美国建校65周年.S. 空军
2010 -纪念ROTC:过去,现在和未来
2006年,纪念越南战争 移动的墙
1999年的今天,纪念美国.S. 海军陆战队
1997年的今天,纪念美国成立50周年.S. 空军
1992 – Honoring WWII Veterans, Korea, Vietnam, 和 Recent Conflicts

Would you like to volunteer to assist with the 退伍军人守夜?

访问我们的 signup页面.



在这个退伍军人节, please join me in honoring the brave men 和 women who 有 served our nation in the U.S. 武装部队.

Each year, I'm reminded of my father who served more than three decades in the U.S. 空军. 二战期间, he flew 26 missions over Europe as a member of the Jack Rose Crew in the 303rd bomber group known as the Hell's Angels – a fitting name for those who embodied what it means to look evil in the eye 和 fly, 战斗, 并赢得.

我知道你们很多人也有朋友, 家庭成员, 还有在陆地上服役的亲人, 空气, 或海运. 在德州,我们很幸运,超过1.五百万退伍军人称我们伟大的州为家. 还有数百万人分布在全国各地, but all 有 勇气ously answered the call of duty 和 fought to defend their fellow Americans. 现在,我们比以往任何时候都更加清楚,自由从来都不是免费的. It is earned 和 paid for by the fearless patriots who put their lives on the line to preserve 和 protect our citizens, 我们的共和国, 还有我们的自由.

今天, I en勇气 all Texans to join me in reflecting upon the honor, 勇气, 和 selflessness demonstrated by all who 有 donned the uniform.

我们中间的英雄们,感谢你们的服务. To the families of these heroes, thank you for your sacrifices. Our nation is forever indebted to you, 和 I am proud to 战斗 on your behalf in the U.S. 参议院, where you can rest assured that my actions in support of our military members, 退伍军人, 牺牲的战士们将会兑现我的诺言.

愿上帝保佑每一位老兵, 我们的军人, 和他们所爱的人, 和 may He continue to bless the United States of America.






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